Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Pirate and the Ninja

Tommy and Danny are getting ready for the treats they will receive this week. Danny loves his hat and Tommy thinks he is a real ninja. We are all trusting that the storm "Sandy" will not hamper our plans to visit friends or dampen the daycare party. Dixie had a great treat when She found herself the star of the Today Show Website. Wish her well as she is in a contest for best costume.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tommy lost a tooth!

I have not posted in quite some time and needed an "occasion" to offer a bit of inspiration. Well here it is... Around 9:30 pm this evening Tommy was presenting his normal protests about going to bed. When Patty finally had him convinced that it was indeed bed time for little fellows. Tommy leaned in for a good night hug and kiss from Mom. As he kissed her cheek he noticed some odd feeling in his mouth. He excitedly squealed ,"I have a loose tooth!" when it fact it had fallen out. There was a little blood and a few tears shed, by Patty, and off he went to bed excitedly waiting for the tooth fairy.