Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Weekend

This weekend has been a bit difficult as I have been sick with some sort of cold and the boys are both on steroids for allergies. Tommy is not a friendly person when he is on this medication. He has “roid-rage”. Tommy did give us a good laugh this weekend when he looked over the rail of Danny’s bassinet and in a deep voice began to sing, “Oh Danny Boy”. Patty has been so kind to us all this weekend. Fortunately these medications will be ending on Monday and the peak of the particular tree pollen will have passed. Danny has started smiling when we talk to him. He has a funny little grin as if he knows something which you do not know. He is a good little boy. Because I did not get out this weekend I finished a replica of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the one in New York City, it took about 8 weeks to finish but I used a great deal of weekend finishing the spars on top.

No Love for the Bunny.