Sunday, January 23, 2011

Children’s Museum

This weekend Tommy was able to go to the children’s museum of Richmond. The museum has an ambulance which has been gutted and made child friendly on the inside. Tommy loves any service vehicles and liked playing in the ambulance. He looks like a real EMT with the white coat and concerned look.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Movie Night

The Ayres family has Pizza and a movie on Friday night. Recently we were able to get a projector which projects the movies on the wall. It is really nice to have a theater like experience in our home. Tommy likes to stand on the sofa and try to touch the pictures. This week we watched the Muppet Movie (1979) Tommy was interested however there were many cameos from 1970’s popular actors which made no sense to Tommy so I feel that it was not as interested as I was in 1979. Perhaps we will have to stick with the more current films. We did have a good time together regardless.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Face

Danny is almost ready to come out. He is due on February 10th. Patty is in a quite a bit of pain but we are all excited about his arrival. The doctor reports all is well and he weighs six pounds. That just happens to be the same size as the standing rib roast which we had for Christmas dinner.

Fr. John

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby Shower

Patty, Tommy and I arrived at St. John’s this morning and found Boomer the beagle waiting to say hello. Boomer is a neighborhood dog who visits our Church every so often. We had not seen him in some time and were glad to see him on this morning.

The St. John’s family put together a wonderful shower for Danny. It was good to see everyone at Church. There is nothing more satisfying than the embrace of a Church family. St. John’s is a very special Church to us.

Thank You to our family at St. John's

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Long Saturday

My Saturday started at 12:00 am when I had just gotten in the bed. Tommy comes in and wants to talk. Tommy and I watch TV and talked in the night until about 1:00 am when I noticed it was snowing outside. Tommy and I got up and looked out at the snow falling. Patty got some video of the snow this morning when the light came out. It was all gone by lunch time!

Tommy woke up from his nap and we were going to go to the park to play. It was way too cold. The wind was blowing and the air was around 37 degrees. So we ended up at “Al’s Toy Barn” that’s Tommy’s name for Toys r’ us. We walked around for a long time and I was able to escape without making a purchase. Tommy did want to sit of the fire truck at the front of the store. Please excuse the chocolate on his face.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Danny's Bedroom

Patty and I went with the farm animal theme for Danny's room. Tommy is beginning to show a little bit of frustration over not being the sole focus of our attention. He is starting to "show off" a little when our attention focuses to preparing for Danny to arrive. Danny is due February 10th. Patty is starting to become very uncomfortable in her own skin and is ready for the birth. The doctor assures us that Danny will carry to term Patty feels he may come early. Who knows?