Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Watermelon Planting in Richmond.

Today after supper Tommy and I planted some watermelon seeds. We have placed them in the sun and are waiting for them to sprout. This is a bit late in the year to plant, but this will allow for our melons to be ready for labor day. Perhaps we will have a labor day watermelon party. The instructions on the seed packet said that the melons should grow to 25 pounds.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tommy's plant has eggs!

My Son Tommy has a fern on our front porch which he calls "BOB" well this week we were surprised to find that Bob the fern had made a great home for a Mama bird and her four eggs. Tommy is excited about his favored plant.

Bishop Joe

June 25th 2010, I had the honor of participating in the consecration of The Venerable Joseph Dobson to the office of Bishop. For years I have known this man as “Father Joe” and it will take some time to get used to his new title, “Bishop Joe”. He is a kind man and a good fit as leader in Christ’s Church. God bless you Bishop Joe.