Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Pirate and the Ninja

Tommy and Danny are getting ready for the treats they will receive this week. Danny loves his hat and Tommy thinks he is a real ninja. We are all trusting that the storm "Sandy" will not hamper our plans to visit friends or dampen the daycare party. Dixie had a great treat when She found herself the star of the Today Show Website. Wish her well as she is in a contest for best costume.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tommy lost a tooth!

I have not posted in quite some time and needed an "occasion" to offer a bit of inspiration. Well here it is... Around 9:30 pm this evening Tommy was presenting his normal protests about going to bed. When Patty finally had him convinced that it was indeed bed time for little fellows. Tommy leaned in for a good night hug and kiss from Mom. As he kissed her cheek he noticed some odd feeling in his mouth. He excitedly squealed ,"I have a loose tooth!" when it fact it had fallen out. There was a little blood and a few tears shed, by Patty, and off he went to bed excitedly waiting for the tooth fairy.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tommy's First Fish!

This Morning Tommy and I went to Crump Park in Western Henrico County. There is small pond there that has Sun Fish, Bass, and Catfish. Tommy had me bait his hook as the night crawlers were, "really nasty." While I admit they were a bit nastier than I remember we got the hook bated and tommy got his pole in the water.
After a few moments of watching the cork float motionlessly on the pond surface, it bobbed. Tommy's attention was focused on the cork as it bobbed a few more times then disappeared into the brown water. I shouted, "pull" and instinctively the boy knew what to do; when he cork and hook reemerged it had on it a prize like no other. Tommy's first fish!
It was not more that a few inches long but for him it might as well have been a whale. We reloaded the hook and that boy pulled in three more fish! He also caught a turtle which fortunately had not been hooked but was hanging by the worm. Tommy was fully engaged in this experience and asked, "dad, can we come back after church tomorrow?" I explained that perhaps we could come back another weekend and he was satisfied with that answer.
It started to rain briskly and the thunder began to rumble so we ran back to the car. Tommy was soaking wet as I loaded him into his car seat. He kept his fishing pole by his side. Not more than ten minutes into the return home Tommy fell asleep. I glanced back and notice the look of contentment on this little boy's face.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ayres update

Our new pet is doing well adjusting to us and we to her. She is the best pet for a four year old because if he gets to rambunctious she curls up in a prickly ball and is no longer fun to play with.

Here is a photo of Danny protesting the theft of his Easter egg at the hunt held at thine boys school last week. Danny is a bruiser, he may curl up into a prickly ball also.

We had a great Easter Sunday at Trinity church in Beaverdam. We had an excellent turn out; GG and Grammy were able to join us for the worship service and a nice lunch after church.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Danny is Growing Up!

Danny is off and running.

Danny's hair was getting too long for a young man. He looks like a Canadian hockey player!

He did really well as the lady trimmed him up.

There he is neatly trimmed... Dapper Dan!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Morning!



Danny totally owns His new wagon.

Tommy is now chief of the fire station.

Tommy "helped" mom make Jesus' birthday cake.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gingerbread Grammy

This Wednesday Mom (Grammy) came to visit our home. We had a nice dinner which Patty prepared. Tommy and Danny got to help Grammy decorate the gingerbread house.

Tommy wanted to lick the house but all he was allowed was a bit of frosting.

Danny had a little frosting as well. He needed a bath after his treat.

When it was all said and done we have a lovely new home complete with gingerbread cookie reflecting pool. Thanks for visiting Grammy and Merry Christmas.